第一部分将由邱金元同学于11月21日(周四)19:00在沙河主教306为大家讲解论文:“Dave Donaldson(2018): Railroads of the Raj: Estimating the Impact of Transportation Infrastructure.”
第二部分将由邱金元同学于11月22日(周五)13:30在沙河主教308为大家讲解论文:“Costinot and Donaldson(2016): How Large Are the Gains from Economic Integration? Theory and Evidence from U.S. Agriculture, 1880-1997
国际经济与贸易系 2016级本科生
(1)Dave Donaldson(2018): Railroads of the Raj: Estimating the Impact of Transportation Infrastructure.
How large are the benefits of transportation infrastructure projects, and what explains these benefits? This paper uses archival data from colonial India to investigate the impact of India’s vast railroad network. Guided by four results from a general equilibrium trade model, I find that railroads: (1) decreased trade costs and interregional price gaps; (2) increased interregional and international trade; (3) increased real income levels; and (4) that a sufficient statistic for the effect of railroads on welfare in the model accounts well for the observed reduced-form impact of railroads on real income in the data.
(2)Costinot and Donaldson(2016): How Large Are the Gains from Economic Integration? Theory and Evidence from U.S. Agriculture, 1880-1997
In this paper we develop a new approach to measuring the gains from economic integration based on a generalization of the Ricardian model in which heterogeneous factors of production are allocated to multiple sectors in multiple local markets based on comparative advantage. We implement this approach using data on crop markets in approximately 2,600 U.S. counties from 1880 to 1997. Central to our empirical analysis is the use of a novel agronomic data source on predicted output by crop for small spatial units. Crucially, this dataset contains information about the productivity of all units for all crops, not just those that are actually being grown—an essential input for measuring the gains from trade. Using this new approach we find substantial long-run gains from economic integration among US agricultural markets, benefits that are similar in magnitude to those due to productivity improvements over that same period.